Chapter 1
I sniffed back the tears that where now frozen down over my cheeks, and realized that my crying had been in vain. The darkness still surrounded me, but my light continued to keep the dark forces away. I could hear the tearing of the ground outside of my glow, and the screaming as they neared it. I knew that even if my god was unable to come save me from this world that he would allow me to keep his light as protection from whatever evils may be lurking in the shadows. In his protection I wasn’t free from the unendurable pain. The coldness was blistering my skin. I wished that I could say that because of the bitter chill that was surrounding my body only numbed my extremities but instead searing pain shot through each of them going directly into my heart. I kept my arms wrapped so tight around me hoping that it would help keep me warm, but I knew that it was useless. I could...